Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central API v2.0 Reference
This book is meant to be not only an introduction but a powerful companion to the official documentation for anyone who has a need to rely on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central API v2.0.
This book is meant for two main audiences:
Business Central Users and Advocates
If you are a user, consultant, or developer working with Business Central, this book is hopefully useful to you as a guide to what parts of the system are accessible via API. Ideally, it will also make it easier to understand what each part of the API maps to the inside of Business Central.
Non-Business Central Developers
If you are a developer or organization that has been tasked with integrating with or building against the Business Central API, this book will help you understand what the options are in a single, unified place. It will also help you communicate more effectively with Business Central users about what you are creating.

Key Features Overview
- Introduction to core HTTP calls, URIs, and commonly needed knowledge
- A deep dive into OAuth Authentication
- API v2.0 Endpoint by Endpoint information, including example calls and results, which actions are supported, and more
- A guided mapping through the Sales & Purchase Document Aggregate system, including explanations of all the Status fields
- Step-by-step clarification on Attachment, Picture, and PDF Document endpoints
- Clear JSON to Business Central mapping, both Business Central Page/Report to Endpoint, as well as field-by-field maps, providing a powerful tool in requirements planning
- Essential Explanations of what restrictions can be found on some endpoints
- Critical understanding of the history of the API v2.0, including noting what versions of Business Central received what changes
Detailed Features

Endpoint Detailed Examples
Sometimes the number one thing you need to make a solution work is a reference to review and compare your work against.
In our endpoint chapters, there are detailed examples of the requests and responses.
This is done for each of the valid possible HTTP actions you can call for each endpoint.
Additionally, there is a section outlining what operational steps you can take in Business Central to produce data for the API to exposes, in case you’re working with a test or sandbox environment that doesn’t have the data you need.
Detailed Endpoint Map
We have a clear map of all the Endpoints in the API v2.0 showing all the valid HTTP actions, along with what version the Endpoint was added. For convenience, how to find the relevant part of the book is provided. And, of course, which Page or Report in Business Central has the information that this endpoint exposes.

Endpoint History Information
Business Central is an evolving platform, ever moving forward to continue to provide the best value. The Learn site reflects the current state of the platform.
In our endpoint chapters, we outline all the changes by which version, as anyone running On-Premises may not have the latest version, so fields or endpoints may be missing. With this book, you’ll never wonder “When was that added?”
Screen by screen…
One of the challenges with the Business Central API is that often you have very different knowledge levels at the same table trying to communicate. Users who know the solution and integration partners that only know the endpoint names.
Our endpoint chapters include clear breakdowns of what Page fields map to which endpoint field names, giving an at-a-glance understanding of what data is available (or not).

… understanding grows.
This makes it much easier for integration partners, such as Power Platform consultants, to understand exactly what users are asking for.
If you can save even 5 minutes in a meeting using our content as a reference, the ROI is easy to justify.
Understand Important Restrictions…
A common issue when working with the API v2.0 is that there are sometimes restrictions of what data is visible depending on the data settings. We carefully documented all of these criteria that can save you a significant amount of time.

… and built-in limitations.
The API is the tip of a very large iceberg of functionality and data with Business Central.
We also document what types of important limitations there are when accessing data that only provides a subset.
Help for Non-Business Central Users
There are some parts of the system that are available via the API v2.0 that might be unclear about what the data structure is or why it works the way it does. Where that’s the case, we provide important context explainers.

And if that wasn’t enough…

Understanding the Aggregate Subsystem
What precisely IS going on with Sales and Purchase Documents under the hood?

Walkthrough on OAuth
A masterwork of a chapter by Arend-Jan Kauffmann, covering not only how OAuth and App Registrations work, but detailing:
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We believe so much that this Business Central book will provide you with value that, if within 30 days of purchase, you find no value, contact us and we will issue a refund.
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