Hello! This is the Resource List page for the DynamicsCon March 2022 session “The Road to BC Development: A Roadmap to Developing with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central”.
Note: If you have a resource you offer that is not included in this list, please let us know! We’ll probably add it.
When the session is live on YouTube, the session will be shared here:
Getting Started
As explained in the Session, you’ll want a lot of resources when you’re just getting started, and links to many of those are presented here.
Bootcamps & Classes
There are lots of great courses and classes. Here are some we know about that are ongoing offerings:
Business Central Booster – This site has multiple offerings, such as Developer basics and DevOps training. Their Development Program is also a great syllabus for “things that a developer should know how to do”.
Opgona Training – This site has a fantastic boot camp offering to get a brand new developer up to “billable” as quickly as possible, taught by someone with a proven track record of getting devs started.
New View Strategies – A team of great consultants and technical teachers offering a wide array of boot camps and classes in all things BC (and more).
Additionally, many MVP’s in Business Central (such as Waldo and AJ Kauffmann) offer courses regularly in key concepts.
Microsoft Learn
There are great courses for Business Central on Microsoft Learn in not only application concepts, but also deep technical walkthroughs.
View All Courses
Books and Blogs
There are many great books on technical concepts and system setup.
For technical books, many of our favorites are offered on PacktPub.
For system usage, there are two stand-out options:
Your First 20 Hours with Business Central
This “Getting Started” tour walks users and new-to-BC professionals through all the setup steps of creating a company, building the data, and transacting.

Erik Hougaard’s Field Guide is also strongly recommended.
For following blogs, you can either view Steve Endow’s massive list and add them to your RSS/Bookmarks, or you can get daily / weekly free newsletters with summaries from them all.
Technical Resources
You’ll need the basic software to do the development work.
- Visual Studio Code. For VSC, it is recommended you install an extension pack from Waldo or Spare Brained
- Business Central. For cloud, either sign up for a paid environment or, if a partner, you can get a demonstration/test environment.
- Docker – for working locally, with either cloud-like or on-prem variants, Docker is essential. The easiest to get setup is Docker Desktop. You’ll also need to grab BC-ContainerHelper and you will find there are great “cheat sheets” for BC Docker. Note: while we link to Docker Desktop, there are licensing considerations for Desktop you should review. There are also Docker variants unrelated to Docker Desktop, which is beyond the scope of this guide.
You will also likely want to investigate Git and repository solutions.
Getting Better
Many of the resources around each of the Topics in this section are scattered into blog posts, conference sessions, and YouTube videos. We’ve tried to collect some of the best here.
Getting Effective
Visual Studio Code Extensions & Snippets
There’s a great number of useful Extensions for VSCode, many in the extension packs from Waldo or Spare Brained. To get to know them more, there’s a delightful series of videos from Areopa on their YouTube channel available here. Take the 15 minutes to gain hours, one extension at a time.
Patterns / Guideliness
Use of community patterns and best practices is a huge part of making your solution sustainable. Find out more about that at ALGuidelines.dev.
Community Resources
You can either view Steve Endow’s massive list or check out my Tour.
Source Control / Branches / Pipelines
There are many great resources to help you get started with these different areas. Business Central Booster has courses, as does Waldo and Vjeko.
Getting Great
Many of the resources around each of the Topics in this section are scattered into blog posts, conference sessions, and YouTube videos. We’ve tried to collect some of the best here.
Telemetry has a lot of topics around it, whether we’re talking partner or app. One of the best places to start is the Microsoft BCTech repo in the AppInsights area.
Additionally, there are videos (such as this) and blogs about it.
When it comes to integrating with Azure, there are lots of possibilities and deep dives beyond the scope of this list. But one common request is for use of Azure AD for On-Prem Business Central authentication, which is detailed well by Yun Zhu here and Arend-Jan Kauffmann here.
For understanding the value of Dataverse from a Business Central perspective, this Areopa session is a great talk on the subject.
Test-driven development and use of the testing framework has a lot to learn, but Luc van Vugt’s book Automated Testing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has just released the 2nd edition, and he has a lot of great content in this talk as well.
While there aren’t as many discussions about the guiding principles around how to design your multi-app ecosystem, there are some seeds of that coming to fruition soon. For example, this blog post from Kamil Sacek. Marije Brummel has a series of posts on the topic on her blog as well.
Have a resource you think should be on here?
I want to make sure to give lots of options, so I’m gladly accepting feedback on this.