Sample Code Archive

In 2021, Spare Brained Ideas experimented with offering sample extensions to Patreon supporters as part of a growing monthly library of sample code. It was a fun experiment but limited in commercial success.

As a gift to the community, the sample extensions that were made available as part of that launch have been made available here as an archive.

These samples can be used as-is, which is also how they’re provided, with no warranty or guarantee if used directly. Please ensure the solutions are taking into account any particular business or environment requirements when utilizing these samples.

Complex FactBoxes

FactBoxes are powerful, but when you combine them with temporary tables and on-demand generation of complex data, you can provide a lot of at-a-glance oversight, as well as dramatically increase operational speed for staff

This sample extension demonstrates both techniques, with Customer “Favorite Items” tied to the Sales Order header, and Inventory Stock tied to the Sales Order line.

Dynamic Columns

Sometimes you need users to be able to choose settings to control how lists work – what columns appear. This extension demonstrates the technique using the Item List, showing how users can select which Item Attributes should be displayed as columns.

Do note that you can’t search or filter on Dynamics Columns, but they will be shown as well as exported to Excel.

Split Ship-To

This example extension shows how to add the Ship-To Code to the Sales Order Line, and event hook into the Sales Shipment Posting to split the shipments per each Ship-to.

This extension also demonstrates a similar technique for use with the Warehouse Shipment.