Improving DropDowns

In the RTC, when you are going to enter data that refers to another table, you get a wonderful DropDown showing you extra info. For example, when entering a Vendor on a Purchase Order: You can quickly see all the…
In the RTC, when you are going to enter data that refers to another table, you get a wonderful DropDown showing you extra info. For example, when entering a Vendor on a Purchase Order: You can quickly see all the…
Microsoft Dynamics NAV does a lot of legwork for your organization if you set it up the way you need. One of the most extensively used features of NAV is the No. Series engine. It provides new document numbers, new…
Dimensions and Funds are very powerful tools for financial tracking and analysis. These are well covered elsewhere in manuals and training documents when it comes to use, entry, and review. However, one thing I have found that is not covered…
What are Digest e-mails? Serenic Navigator offers the ability to have e-mails sent to users based on documents and transactions being submitted for approval. Historically, an e-mail is generated for each transaction at the moment of submission. In every version…
In our previous post about the Change Log in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, we talked about turning on monitoring of the Payment Terms Code on the Customer table. Now you’ve gotten another request from that client that will involve updating the…
One of the things I’m frequently asked about is how to see if or when someone changed something mission critical. Microsoft Dynamics NAV has a built-in system for tracking changes to any part of the system, but you have to…
Any time you have to enter a DateFormula, such as Payment Terms or other places where a value such as “30D” would work, there are a few easy ways you can get the beginning or end of the current Year,…
In the RoleTailored Client, the Cues of the Activities window are a great insight into operations right from the home screen. All Role Centers have some Cues, like this Order Processor: But, sometimes you want additional or different information. We’re…
The Action Pane of the Role Tailored Client, introduced in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009, is full of great shortcuts to different actions, tasks, and reports (as shown below). But, sometimes the things you need regularly are tucked away in the…