The Anatomy of a FastTab

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Role Tailored Client changed the Tab Landscape. In the Classic client, we had the more traditional Tabs: When you click on a Tab, one set of fields and captions disappeared, and another group of fields and captions…

RTC Outlook Panel

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Role Tailored Client has a great little part enabled by default, but likely under-utilized: The Microsoft Outlook part. By default, it displays a few folders, some Calendar information, and a few tasks: You can alter the…

Easy Dates

Microsoft Dynamics NAV has always had some interesting mechanics around entering dates, and I’ve found that education about them is spotty. Depending on what you know already, this article could save you thousands of keystrokes per year. The Microsoft Dynamics…

Quick Tip: Save Filters

Today’s quick tip is an easy one to learn about and forget about, but it’s such an amazing tool, we felt we needed to highlight it. When you filter any list in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Role Tailored Client, you…